Posted on 7/9/2015

10 Inventions That Changed Cars Forever Posted July 02, 2014 by Ken KupchikinShare0 A car "shovel" meant to reduce the number of casualties among pedestrians (Paris 1924) Cars have revolutionized transportation and allowed mobility on an unprecedented scale. Without cars, we would be at the mercy of public transportation, horses, or our own two feet. The cars that we drive today, however, are a far cry from the original automobiles, which had few safety features, relatively simple engineering, and weren't very fast. Over the years, innovation has brought dynamic changes to the automobile, one breakthrough at a time. Here are the most pivotal inventions for the automobile: 1) Combustion Engine - The most important part of an automobile is the engine, powering the rest of the vehicle. Internal combustion engines power cars with the combustion of fuel and oxygen which occurs in a combustion chamber. Without this invention, we wouldn ... read more
Posted on 7/8/2015

5 Cars That Retain Their Value Posted August 18, 2014 by Ken KupchikinShare0 Everyone knows that once you've signed on the dotted line and gotten the keys to your brand new car, it's already worth less than what you paid for it at the dealership. Cars are considered "depreciating assets" and there are few people who would argue otherwise. With the exception of classic cars that end up being collectors items, car values usually go in one direction: down. But in this respect, not all cars are created equal and some retain their value much better than others. Here is a list of the best performers: 1) Honda Civic - Having owned several Civics myself, I can vouch for the great resale prospects that come with ownership. Since they're at the lower end of the price spectrum, there are more potential buyers out there, and a reliable, fuel-efficient, and durable car like the civic doesn't need to be listed for long before it's sold ... read more
Posted on 7/7/2015

Should I Ask A Mechanic To Inspect A Used Car Before I Buy It? Posted March 27, 2014 by Ken KupchikinShare0 Buying a used car is a process that most people hate for good reason. When buying used, you're basically at the whim of the seller and their willingness to truthfully disclose any issues with the vehicle, including prior repair work. I just bought a used car myself, but had the advantage of knowing the seller beforehand, eliminating much of the guesswork. If you're buying the car from a used car dealership, you should always determine what kind of a warranty program they're offering. When dealerships buy vehicles at auction, the reputable ones will fix any issues before selling to the public. It's best to look for a dealership with actual mechanic bays as they're more likely to offer a warranty and repair any issues you may encounter since they have mechanics on-site. When buying from a private seller, a good option i ... read more
Posted on 7/7/2015

The Craziest Places Mechanics Call Home Posted June 22, 2015 by Bobby GagliniinShare7 Where there are cars, there’s a need for someone who knows how cars work. Within our country, there are almost a million mechanics working on cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, RVs and more. I was thinking about this the other day, and started wondering whether there were mechanic shops in the craziest, hidden and most desolate places in the United States. I’m a geography buff, so anything unusual landscape or climate-wise always intrigues me. For this particular example, I used the mechanics that we have listed in our Mechanic Advisor database, and limited it solely to auto mechanics. The findings were nothing short of awesome. 1. A and D Automotive & Jeep – Barrow, Alaska A fun fact about this shop…it’s also a car dealership. Oh, and it just so happens to be located in the northernmost populated settlement in the United States ... read more
Posted on 6/17/2015

A Great Auto Mechanic Is Like LeBron James Posted January 05, 2015 by Bobby GagliniinShare0 Okay, so maybe making a buzzer-beating 3-point shot is different than reassembling a reverse idler gear, but when you think about it, a good auto mechanic is like superstar LeBron James in many ways. 1. They're the best in the game. This one goes out to all the people who think they’re mechanics. Maybe they got lucky when trying to fix something, just like a below-average NBA player can have one really great game. But try fixing every problem you come across? No chance. LeBron James can figure out how to beat almost every defender, just like a great mechanic can overcome almost every problem. Why? Because both have mastered their “game” inside and out.
2. The “How did you do that?” factor. Sometimes LeBron makes a play, and regardless of which team you’re rooting for, you can’t help but say, &ldquo ... read more
Posted on 6/14/2015

Your Check Engine Light Is On...Now What? Posted April 27, 2015 by Bobby GagliniinShare0 Over 8% of drivers on the road today have a check engine light on. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those drivers won’t get it checked out for months. But hey, can you blame them? If everything seems fine, why waste a costly diagnostic to get it checked out? Or, perhaps there’s that desire to avoid the possibility of paying a lot of money to get it fixed? Well, it’s not always so easy to decide what to do. Let’s go through a common example. You’re on the highway, driving home from work and everything with your vehicle is ship shape. Then, your car beeps loudly, and your check engine light is on. Your first thought is probably, “oh no”, and your second is to look for or feel anything different in your car. This is a pretty good idea. See if your engine is overheating, feel if your car is driving strangely, or listen to an ... read more
Posted on 6/7/2015

If you are looking for airbag repair information then you have found your source. This safety equipment can be very expensive to fix so it is important that you do it right. If you don't have the right info you can literally end up with broken bones. Below you will find a great article that will tell you how to safely get your airbags working again. I can remember very clearly the first time I had to deal with fixing an airbag. I was removing the steering wheel from a vehicle and I had followed the procedure to the letter, but there was still this lingering fear. I kept thinking "what if it explodes?", "Did I wait long enough?", "What if I touch the wrong wires together?". Needless to say, I was a little nervous because of everything I had heard about airbags. While many of the things I had heard were true, I learned that day tha ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2015

What to Do When Your Car Won't Start So...your car won't start. Now what? If this has never happened to you then it is likely only a matter of time before it will. You need to know what to do when it happens and the likely causes. I deal with this type of problem all the time and there are usually only a couple of things that cause it. Let's take a look. What Does It Mean When Your Car Won't Start If your vehicle won't start then there is a chance that you would just need a jump start, but before you try that you should verify that your "security" light is not flashing. If it is then your problem probably does not have anything to do with the battery or starter, it is most likely because your security system is not letting it start. If this is the case then you need to read your owners manual to see how to fix this or contact your d ... read more