Posted on 10/1/2014

25 years ago we had a customer come in with a brake squeal… We found the brakes low and suggested replacement. The customer authorized us to change the brakes. A week later we get a call from the customer that their engine belt broke and they were stuck in Pennsylvania. The shop they were in was taking advantage of them and my customer was angry. Not only with that shop but with me. He said that it was my responsibility to have checked the car over and find this potential and now real issue. He was right! Another customer had us check his car for obvious problems. We only looked at a few systems. The customer authorized us to correct the problems we found. Three months later they came back with an issue that was very expensive and was angry that we had not caught it. The customer's complaint was that if he knew all this work was needed he would have rather sold or traded the car in then spend the initial money on the car. I took away his options by not letting him know th ... read more