Posted on 5/6/2016

The 5 Ways to Help Avoid Going to the Mechanic Posted January 20, 2016 by Bobby GagliniinShare17 Mechanics are like doctors. When our cars are “sick”, we bring them to a professional to diagnose and cure, just like a doctor does with our ailments. And while both significantly help us in life, it’s understandable to not want to go to either. After all, we often go when something isn’t right, and know we might have a big bill ahead of us. So, I’ve come up with 5 foolproof ways to help you not have to go to a mechanic. You read that right. Here we go… Go to the mechanic. The article title was just a little misleading, right? What I meant was you’ll avoid going to the mechanic more than you need to. But I’m seriously here. If you don’t go when the problem is little, chances are you’ll have to go when it’s big. Going to the mechanic once in a while is actually g ... read more