Posted on 6/4/2015

5 Ways To Get a Better Deal When Buying a Car Posted August 27, 2014 by Ken KupchikinShare0 Everyone loves the feeling of taking home a new or used car. But most people hate the act of having to look around for the right car, and then spending time in the uncomfortable process of negotiating with a salesperson to get the right price. While you probably won't be able to get a brand new Porsche for the price of a Honda Civic, there are ways to get a better deal when buying a car. Here are some tips: 1) Buy at the right time - To save some money on your next car purchase, it's important to understand when the best time to buy a car actually is. If you're looking for a great deal on a new car, you will want to shop for it when the newest model year arrives and replaces the existing cars on the lot. This will drive down the prices of the "last year's" model, helping you get a better deal. This is usually enhanced if there are major ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2015

A List of Car Parts Every Owner Needs to Understand Part 2Ken KupchikinShare0 We understand that you didn't go to school to become a mechanic. But there are certain car parts that you should be able to identify and understand since knowing what they do will help keep your car properly maintained and help you to identify potential problems. Here is the second half of our list of parts every car owner needs to understand, the first half is here: 4) Oil Filter What it does - The oil filter eliminates impurities from your engine oil by filtering it and catching microscopic metal shavings and specks of dirt. It's basically like a Brita filter; it allows your engine to use clean filtered oil just like you would want to drink clean filtered water. Why it's important - Over time, your oil filter will become ... read more
Posted on 6/2/2015

Auto Air Conditioning Troubleshooting Before you start air conditioning troubleshooting you need to realize that it is not as easy as you might think. There are many things that can go wrong when trying to fix your AC system yourself. Probably the most common problem that people run into when attempting DIY A/C repairs is that they get dirt and other debris in the system and/or they don't put the correct amount of freon in the ac system. When the system is not flushed of all debris and old oil, it will never cool right. If there is too much or not enough refrigerant then it will also never cool how it should and it could even be a danger. Modern air conditioning systems MUST be clean and have the correct amount of freon in them in order for them to cool properly. Here's more information that will help you sort it out air con troubleshooting... How Your A ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2015

5 Modifications That Will Affect Your Car's Resale Value Posted August 28, 2014 by Ken KupchikinShare0 Image from Cars are wildly popular in America because they not only allow the freedom of transportation for individuals across the country, but because they embody the independence and individuality of their owners. Some car owners take this a step further and add modifications to their vehicle to add their own personal touch, make it stand out, or increase speed and performance. But it's important to remember that making modifications to your car can seriously impact resale value when it comes time to sell it or trade it in, so be mindful of what kind of changes you make. Here are 1) Body modifications - Whether it's a new spoiler, a body kit, or hood scoop, changing the look of the car's body is the most obvio ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2015

Rotate Tires On many cars it is very simple to rotate tires. You just remove them and move them to the appropriate spot (front to back, back to front), then re-install them. In the last few years however this have become a much more difficult job. Most cars these days have what is called a "Tire Pressure Monitoring System" or TPMS. There are also a lot of "all wheel drive" cars on the road. These two things make rotating your cars tires more difficult. It can still be done, but you need much more info and, in some cases, specialized equipment in order to do this job. What is TMPS and How Does it Work? The primary reason that it is becoming harder to rotate tires is because of what is called TPMS or Tire Pressure Monitoring System. This system does just what its name suggests. It monitors the pressure in your tires to be sure that they are prop ... read more