Posted on 10/1/2014

25 years ago we had a customer come in with a brake squeal… We found the brakes low and suggested replacement. The customer authorized us to change the brakes. A week later we get a call from the customer that their engine belt broke and they were stuck in Pennsylvania. The shop they were in was taking advantage of them and my customer was angry. Not only with that shop but with me. He said that it was my responsibility to have checked the car over and find this potential and now real issue. He was right! Another customer had us check his car for obvious problems. We only looked at a few systems. The customer authorized us to correct the problems we found. Three months later they came back with an issue that was very expensive and was angry that we had not caught it. The customer's complaint was that if he knew all this work was needed he would have rather sold or traded the car in then spend the initial money on the car. I took away his options by not letting him know th ... read more
Posted on 9/22/2014
Hi From Zaloomie Blog:I read this great blog about getting your car ready for Winter by Laura T. Coffey and thought it would help you prepare....By Laura T. Coffey OK, so if you live in Florida or Southern California, you may not need to read this column. But if you live in a cold-weather state, or perhaps if you are planning to visit loved ones in a colder clime over the winter holidays, the following tips literally could be life-saving! And even if you’ve been living in Alaska for many years now, these tips can serve as handy reminders of simple steps you can take to stay safe and keep your vehicle in good working order this winter. 1. Get the right kind of oil change. Are you approaching the time for a 30,000-mile full service for your vehicle? If so, don’t procrastinate! Among other things, the service should include an oil change, and the oil used should have the right viscosity, or thickness, for your vehicle at this time ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2014

I read this in Consumer reports and thought it would be great information for you all. Enjoy How to find a great car mechanic What you should look for in finding a good repair shop If the car dealership you've been using for service has closed, it's time to find a new mechanic. And unless you plan on driving a good way to the next nearest dealership, you might want to opt for an independent shop. Your car will probably still be in good hands. According to a survey we conducted, people who used independent mechanics were generally more satisfied than those who had their car serviced at a dealership. If your car is under warranty, you will still need to go to a dealership for warranty repairs, but you won't need to go to the dealership for routine maintenance. Under federal law you have the right to have repairs performed anywhere you like without voiding the warranty ... read more
Posted on 6/16/2014
You wake up and Monday and find your car that sat all weekend won't crank. You don't remember leaving any lights on or doors open. What Happened?? Well that's a common problem but the solution is not always easy. This Yukon gave us trouble due to the fact that the problem was intermittent. If it doesn't happen it's hard to diagnose or even test. The battery, starter and alternator tested fine. but some days, overnight, we'd come in and the battery is dead. After hours of testing, pulling fuses and tracing wires we found the problem. The transfer case module that monitors and controls the 4X4 system would come on intermittent and run down the battery. So disconnect it and let the customer go, right? Not so easy, the Yukon is 4X4 Automatic. Which means that it has four wheel on demand so without the module the car will possible shift into 4 wheel or 2 wheel intermittently. This is a safety issue and one that warrants repair. Ordered the new Module and repaired the tru ... read more
Posted on 2/7/2014

I am humbled by a letter I received from a friend regarding the service he and his family received at Zaloomie recently. I don't know if I deserve these accolades but I do know we strive for excellence. Great Job to all my staff at Zaloomie. His complete letter is as follows: