Posted on 12/12/2013

It's a Great Day here at Zaloomie.....It's Freezing but it's a Great Day I woke up to a freezing 25 deg day and guess whose battery was dead. Must have left the headlights on. Nevertheless I was able to jump it, take my granddaughter to school and get to work on time. Icy weather is never good for cars. Most of us want to get in and get to our destination. This puts a lot of stress on the cars engine since the oil and other lubricants have thickened and need to warm up before we take off. Some experts have proposed starting and driving at moderate speeds to warm up the car. My problem is my aggressive driving doesn't lend it self to this procedure. And most of us freeze while warming the car up. Auto car starters may be the answer. Most are set to run for 15 minutes while you shower and prepare for the day. Well, waste gas or drive cold
Posted on 12/3/2013
Christmas, Christmas..........Christmas, No more Christmas... That's the thought from my wife's grandmother every year. So much about the holidays and then it's over. Christmas music turns from Silent Night to Rock once again. For what?? What's the season really about? Why all the stress? Taking Christ out of Christmas leaves nothing. If you're a christian celebrate the meaning of Christmas or better yet the Celebration that your Savior is born. It's nice Peace on earth, Joy and all that but we're missing it.......Let's get back to basics and Celebrate our Messiah Savior, Redeemer and King. God bless you all and I pray for a special New Year George
Posted on 10/23/2013

Hope this finds you all Well. God has blessed us with a Glorious fall. And topping off mine was a weekend trip, Columbus Day weekend, when I was invited to a customer's house upstate New York to press apples making apple cider. Rich and Deadra S. were great host as I dragged 10 of my brother and sisters and their spouses to join in the fun. You'll remember the day was warm and the apples were flowing. Rich had purchased this press in the 80's and had been pressing ever since. We got right into the work and my job was having the blankets (used to envelop the crushed apples) re-sanitized after each use. My wife and my sisters filled over 250 gallons of this Fall nectar. After the work, Deadra surprised us with the best pulled pork this side of the border. Over 50 family and friends were in attendance. We got to share our bounty with over 15 families and just finished our gallons last night. We love our customers!!!! God bless you ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2013
GSo we got thru the summer tanned and unscade. If your in the neighborhood stop in and meet our new Service Manager Ed Magee. Ed has been managing repair facilities for over 30 years and also consults shops like ours to do our very best. He's very excited to meet our customers and is sure he'll give you great service. Sandy Response Update; Salem Church leased out St Teresa's Convent recently where we are housing approx 20-30 volunteers weekly from all over the country. They come in to help us rebuild homes down at the beach. We've finished quite a few homes and looking to finish 50 by June 2014. What an exciting time to be part of this effort. Catch you at the next blog. God bless
Posted on 1/26/2013
This blistery cold day plays havoc on car parts especially batteries, radiators and tire pressure. If your Tire Pressure light came on this week it probably the cold weathers affect on air pressure in your tires. The quick fix is refilling to the right pressure. Most cars have a decal on the post were the drivers door locks with the correct pressure. And most cars have the same rear pressure as the front. If you remember that we had two different pressures for front and back you're getting old. We've also been experiencing coolant leaks out of hoses that shrink smaller then the clams holding them on. Usually tightening the clamp fixes that one. SANDY UPDATE: Almost three months later and still no power that means no heat for many homes on the Staten Island Shores. Salem Church has been providing sheet rock and building supplies to over 50 homes. Thank you Home Depot for actually delivering these orders directly to the affected residence. That's their new program we're spearheading f ... read more